Preparing for School Music Auditions
You may have felt a slight change in the air, or perhaps you may have noticed the trees starting to change into their colorful fall apparel. I know you don’t want to think about it, so I’ll just whisper
School starts in a few weeks.
Let us now pause for a moment of silence as we wish our summer friend a sad farewell.
*Heavy sigh, sniff, sniff
Now, let us move on to a more important matter. Have you finalized your electives yet? Be sure to sign up for some sort of music group. If you missed my post on Why it’s important to be part of a school music group, please click on the link.
Many schools have several choices of choirs, or instrumental groups. So, since that you have your sight set on one of the groups, now is the time to prepare for your audition piece.
Audition piece? (I’ll ignore that little squeak in your voice.) Oh, yes, most schools have many students clamoring for a coveted spot in one of their music groups. Well, take a deep breath and let me give you a few tips on some of the abilities the directors may be looking for in their members.
Skill level—Directors have basic requirements such as scales, finger techniques, vocal type/range. Be prepared to play or sing several scales, sight read a new piece, and/or pitch match (echoing the intervals played for you).
Preparation—You should have an audition piece ready for the directors. Make sure you choose a song that highlights your strengths. Directors want a nice piece to hear your full abilities. Do not give into the temptation of performing a difficult piece just to impress! Most times your nerves take over and your weaknesses are showcased.
Blending—This is not a solo competition, my friend. Directors are looking for voices/playing styles that will blend well together. This is a group effort. Now is not the time to make this your showpiece for your own solo gig. Keep your sound focused and bright with correct posture and breathing techniques. Once you make it into the group, then you can try out for those coveted solo pieces.
Be Professional—As you walk into the audition, be sure to hold your head up and smile. Be personable and friendly, but don’t be overly chatty. Directors will purposefully try to stretch you beyond your abilities to see how you react. They are looking for team building qualities such camaraderie, reliability, creativity, loyalty, and respectability.
Don’t wait until the day of your audition to begin working on it! If you take private lessons, (which I highly recommend What’s keeping you from music lessons?) let your teacher know and he or she will gladly work with you to prepare your song. Like any sport, you need to build your endurance.
Get those electives nailed down, determine the audition date, pick your audition song, and then begin your practice.
All you have left to do is relax, and enjoy the last few lazy days of summer vacation.