Keys for Success: Why it’s important to be part of a school music group
Yes, participating in a school music group will require extra time and money. It is true that you may have fewer study halls. Sadly, you will not have as many “hang out” weekends as you would like. You may even have to decide between music, sports, or drama. Oh, and did I mention it will require more money?
Great! Now that I’ve addressed your excuses, let’s talk about why it is still important to participate in a music group at school.
1. Music is a way to praise and glorify the Lord.
Whether you’re in a public or Christian school, you will perform many different types of music. God created us in His image, (Gen. 1:27) to glorify Him. (Rev. 4:11) Thus, the abilities we have while performing and composing music reflect glory to God. Even creation sings praise to God. (Psalm 66:4) This is a view I share with born-again composer, Dan Forrest.
2. Music cultivates important life lessons.
It’s a group effort, based on individual responsibility. The whole group is affected when you choose not to practice. However, there are many opportunities for individuals to shine. But the main goal is to work together as a team.
Time management vs. multitasking. You might pride yourself on being able to practice, watch TV, snap chat, snack, and study . . .all at the same time. But your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. So, in reality there is no such thing as multitasking. You only hurt yourself. Time management, on the other hand, requires the discipline to remain focused on one task, then move on to the next task.
Creative problem solving. During competitions you will be critiqued. Such is life. There will always be someone better than you. A wise person will learn from his mistakes, and will figure out how to turn his weakness into a strength.
Ability to listen. Whether it’s the director or your section leader, there will be many requests and demands given during music practice. You need to learn how to follow directions without making comments. You can’t listen and learn if you are talking.
Freedom to create and explore in a safe environment. There are many opportunities to improvise and compose during the school year. This is a great opportunity to experiment with new sounds and techniques. I know of a few directors that let you switch to a different section at specified times so you can discover what instrument you like the best. Under your director’s supportive leadership, you will be able to learn and grow in all areas of music performance.
3. Music is the common denominator among highly successfully people.
Studies have shown that 73% of executives of fortune 1000 companies were involved in some sort of music in school. An example is Paul Allen, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft. He says music “reinforces your confidence in the ability to create.” I would say Mr. Allen did a pretty good job applying the life lessons he learned from music directly into his business model.
**You can also be highly successful without making tons of money. You can be successful at whatever you do as long as it pleases the Lord and you are happy. My point is that music was a major part of developing Mr. Allen’s creative process.
4. Universities look for fine arts participation when considering applicants.
The final goal of universities is to produce polished, well-rounded individuals. They need to see that you already demonstrate those characteristics.
5. You will always have your musical ability.
One of the best parts about learning a musical instrument or ability is that you can share that talent with others. Whether it’s for an offertory at church, gracing the stage at Carnegie Hall, or for your own personal enjoyment after the end of a long day, you are the steward of the gift God has given you. Use it for His glory.
Joining a music group affects more than just the time you’re in school. Music enriches your life and those around you. Music motivates you as you determine your career. Music instills habits for success. And most importantly music glorifies your Creator.
*Link to the success study
*Link to highly success people story